Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Horrific Injustice

Do you get grouchy when you don't get enough sleep? The kids all have the "ho-hums" this evening. They are convinced that all their friends are out doing something fantastic while they are just at home with their "fuddy duddy" parents.

I first realized that the kids might be on overload tonight when the mere mention of having chicken teriyaki for dinner caused one of them to burst into tears. Seriously. Big fat tears of dismay (which seems to be a common occurrence when I cook).

Another said child tried to eat a bowl of cereal (20 minutes before dinner) and was told "no". This caused a wave of over exaggerated movements as she "huffed" and "stomped" while putting the cereal away (drastically rolling her eyes behind my back mind you).
(If you wonder how I know this it is because I am a super hero... incognito.)

When I announced that the kiddo's are all going to bed early tonight an outcry ensued (and more eye rolling came forth..but this time from me). This "horrific injustice" must take place tonight not only for the health of the dear little ones but also to keep my sanity intact.

Encourage one another,

Monday, December 29, 2008


Crystal chandelier bokeh, originally uploaded by ♥ Moa Maria.

I heart chandeliers. I really do. If I had my way, I would have one (or more) in each room of my house.

When we built this home we had a "mission style" planned for it. It is very nice....just not "me". I asked Lackbeard if we could change out every light in the house (after all if I have to live here...shouldn't it reflect who we are??).

He agreed. That Lackbeard sure is a keeper. :~)

Encourage one another,

Saturday, December 27, 2008

So it begins...

scales, originally uploaded by Life Design Strategies.

Proof of the holiday season is upon me ...err I mean "on" me.

I'm not one to obsess about my weight but when you have more rolls on your abs than in your pantry...this can be cause for distress! Never fear!! The new Wii Fit is here! Well not actually physically here since Walmart was sold out in the Christmas shopping frenzy. I do have every intention of buying it though. When I am actually successful in acquiring the game I will let you know how it goes.

In the meantime...I think I will go eat the last of the peanut brittle and watch a movie (after all we still have a few more days until the 1st of the year).

Encourage one another,


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to all

Eternal Light~*, originally uploaded by athos~*.

...and to all a good night.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Smiling's my favorite!!

This makes us laugh Internet. It will make you laugh too....I promise (unless of course you are grumpy...then not much will make you laugh until you recycle your bad attitude).

Watch this with all your kids and popcorn and something yummy to drink...like nog or cocoa.

Merry Christmas Eve~

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dressed in White

We have snow Internet! It has come and gone a few times now (just the way I like it). Graceful spent two hours in the snow licking it off of her gloves (or the car or a rock or the porch railing). I'm trying not to think of what else she might have licked off in the process.....(eewww).

Your only a kid once after all....

Encourage one another~


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We wish you a "Mia" Christmas!!

DSCN0303, originally uploaded by parker_6_pack.

I couldn't resist!

Encouarge one another,

Friday, December 12, 2008

Loving what you do

Lackbeard and I went to our son's Christmas program last night. I love Christmas programs. If you are looking for him in the pic he is on the right and in the front row. I loved watching Wesley shuffle his feet because he was nervous. I loved watching him smile when he finally found us in a sea of over 400 other moms and dads. I loved that he asked for a haircut yesterday so that he would look nice and that he volunteered to wear his black slacks (which is unheard of!). I love that he spent days and hours preparing for the program and it lasted 30 minutes. I loved it all internet.

Life is good...

Encouarge one another,


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tis the season

Do the holiday ever overwhelm you Internet? What ever happened to the simplicity of it all??

Simplify it.
Live it.
Love it.
Give it.

I can't do all these things when I listen to the world.
The world says..

Complicate it.
Take it.
Charge it.
Buy it.
You deserve it.

We don't deserve squat Internet.

We were given undeserved Grace.
Undeserved forgiveness.
Hope for things unseen,
Eternal life through Christ.

Don't qwelch the meaning of the season with this world Internet.
Resist it.
Put the junk back on the shelf.
Put the plastic away.
Don't be a Martha.

Take your kids sledding.
Bake cookies for your neighbor.
Help someone with Christmas lights,
Have friends over for dinner.

Share life ...Internet
Give life.
Give your time.
Give yourself

Watch this video
and be blessed.

Encourage one another,

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sweet Relief

The tests are over.
The late nights are done.
The stress eating has stopped....(there is no more pie anyway).
The late night cramming,
The note taking,
The restless sleep,
The uneasy stomach...gone.

I've returned
To being a mommy,
A "hot" wife,
A daughter,
A sister.
and a friend.

Life is good Internet....

Encourage one another,

P.S. Totally "Aced" psychology class. Unsure about the Algebra final but will let you know when grades are posted!!! Next term we have critial thinking and Microbiology...heaven help us!

Friday, December 5, 2008

umm...no comment

pen and homework, originally uploaded by Mr.Tooley.

I can not WAIT until this is over!!!!!!

Tomorrow at 1:00...tomorrow at 1:00, tomorrow at 1:00......

I will be DONE!

Encourage one another~


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

a birthday week!

Today is Lackbeard's birthday and the beginning of his birthday "week". I've been lucky enough to share in his birthday 17 times now...it seems like just yesterday (except now I have these horrendous stretch marks and I can cook 3 things instead of just 2).
Lackbeard brought these flowers home for me last week and they still look great (sorry the picture is fuzzy). He is super thoughtful and I'm pretty sure I have him wrapped around my little finger (which is how it should be...can I get an AMEN sisters?).
Lovie, I pray your birthday week is filled with good times and special memories and remember...I love you more!

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Cold Sore

cold-sore-inset, originally uploaded by theprivatepharmacy.com.

Do any of you get sold sores Internet? My eldest daughter gets them frequently...the poor dear. We have every medication on the market to help her in reducing her friend . We decided that we needed to give her friend a name one day and she picked the name "Steve". If she ever dates a boy named "Steve" I am going to get them so confused!

So anyway, I have finals this week.

Finals=stress and stress=worry and worry=cold sores. I have yet to name mine though....

Encourage one another~


P.S. First final is tomorrow at 10:00 (in case your wanted to know). :~)

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