Monday, October 27, 2008


I should be doing homework (not fiddling on my computer) but here I am.

I have two midterms this week so I will be MIA for a little bit. Maybe when I get back I can figure out this whole adding pictures thing. can't be that hard! :~)

Encourage each other~


Thursday, October 23, 2008


Life is full of "ta-da" moments Internet.

Today is one of those moments for me (ta-da!!! can't see me now but my hands are raised above my head and my legs are doing some type of jig)!

Here I am... in all my technical glory! I am officially a "blogger" now. :~)

I promise it will be just as much fun for you Internet as it is for me.

I will give you the much anticipated advice that you are so desperately wanting and you will give me a headache when I can't seem to figure out how to post pictures.

Mostly though, I promise to remind you what life truly is.......

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