Monday, December 28, 2009

More winter magic

Frozen waterfall

It was unbelievable.
Frozen water

It made us feel so small.

A mother's love

And a little weird too...but you already new we were on the nutty side.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Simply magical

The day after Christmas.

Is it odd Internet that I have more peace on the day "after" Christmas than I do on the day of Christmas? I no longer have a ginormous "to do" list starring me in the face. I don't have to drive to umpteen different stores looking for a pet frog for my seven year old. My insecurities with my pie making skills (or lack there of) can slowly melt away until next year.

I am going to savor it.

A couple of weeks ago our state experienced a deep freeze. We drove the kids up to McDowell Creek Falls and we found this.

Winter frozen falls 2009

Something so simple...falling water...frozen into beautiful ice crystals.

In one word I would describe it as...magical.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Land of the living

Hello Internet!! I have returned to the land of the living. This first term was harder than I imagined it would be. I have the tendency to think I am a super star and I am mildly surprised when I realize that in fact...I am not. :0)

I'll be back soon,



Saturday, December 5, 2009

Frosted Gift

This morning we woke up to this.....a cold, crunchy, frosty wonderland...

Frosted Gift, originally uploaded by Tommy Simms.

I was happy to have no where to go this morning. Instead I turned my electric blanket up to "8", put on thick socks, heated up some eggnog, and slide back into bed to read.

I "heart" days like these.



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