Monday, December 1, 2008

A Cold Sore

cold-sore-inset, originally uploaded by

Do any of you get sold sores Internet? My eldest daughter gets them frequently...the poor dear. We have every medication on the market to help her in reducing her friend . We decided that we needed to give her friend a name one day and she picked the name "Steve". If she ever dates a boy named "Steve" I am going to get them so confused!

So anyway, I have finals this week.

Finals=stress and stress=worry and worry=cold sores. I have yet to name mine though....

Encourage one another~


P.S. First final is tomorrow at 10:00 (in case your wanted to know). :~)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jodi! I am here taking a break from 2 sick kids! :) I wish you good luck in your finals and I am sure you will do very well. Love Fab


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