Monday, December 8, 2008

Sweet Relief

The tests are over.
The late nights are done.
The stress eating has stopped....(there is no more pie anyway).
The late night cramming,
The note taking,
The restless sleep,
The uneasy stomach...gone.

I've returned
To being a mommy,
A "hot" wife,
A daughter,
A sister.
and a friend.

Life is good Internet....

Encourage one another,

P.S. Totally "Aced" psychology class. Unsure about the Algebra final but will let you know when grades are posted!!! Next term we have critial thinking and Microbiology...heaven help us!

1 comment:

  1. College days, how much fun! I actually miss the classes, the fun people I meet and the busy college life – when you are 17, college is a lot different! LOL! When I did my MA, I loved going to classes and taking time away from the kids. Anyway, congratulations and enjoy this time in your life, it goes by really fast! Soon you will graduate and have a new career and that is when life gets a lot more serious! Have a great week, Fab.


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