Thursday, February 5, 2009

Letting the little things go...

Isn't it so hard to do Internet? To let the little things slide when you would rather "fester" over them in your head. I like that word "fester". Sometimes, I even find satisfaction in the "festering".

Something happened to me today. I was wrongly accused. It is a little thing, a trifle of a thing, but who wants to be accused of anything that is considered wrong? I should have let it go...but I found myself beginning to "fester". Sometimes, I think leaving the little things in Gods hand can be even harder than the big things. The big stuff, we really aren't able to control....but the little things...gulp...we can.

So I prayed. I decided to go forth with a cheerful spirit, to confront the accusation with humility, understanding and....dare I even say it? It turned out well in the end and I am stronger for it.

Encourage one another,

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