Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Emotionally liable...

Dear OCCC nursing program,

I prayed for this!
I was so excited to make the final "cut" into your program, to become a part of you.
I am so honored to learn from you, to be taught and to be guided from you.
After all; this is what I prayed for…right?

I knew it would be difficult.

My family would have to make a HUGE sacrifice in order for me to go.
I knew that my husband would feel the stress (which seems to radiate off my persona every weekend I study for an exam...how wonderful that they are weekly).

I knew that my kids would miss me and that every Sunday night they would squeeze me and not want to let me go.
I knew that "time management" would have an entirely different meaning.

What I didn't know dear nursing program, is how hard you would be.
I didn't understand that watching a movie with the kiddos would become a monthly "event" instead of a weekly occurrence.

I didn't understand how mold would grow on mystery meat in my refrigerator... because I have neglected it since before Thanksgiving.

I didn't understand that I had no idea what "homework" load meant...until I met you.

The sleepless nights before an exam, the extra ten pounds I've gained from stress eating, the early morning clinicals in Lincoln City, the long days and even longer nights of studying, the breaking of my heart when I drive away from my sweet and my lovelies, the 5,200 miles I've added to the "hoop dee" (that is my super awesome car), the swine flu, the GI bug, and the occasional "mean girl" look from the ICU nurse (which makes me want to run and hide in the cafeteria).

Please, oh please, oh please....OCCC nursing program…be worth it in the end.


Your emotionally liable and semi-exhausted (however could quite easily move to “severely exhausted” depending on the case study load and additional clinical evaluation worksheets)...nursing student.

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