Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is an infectious disease that affects birds and mammals. The name influenza comes from the Italian: influenza, meaning "influence". In humans, common symptoms of the disease are chills (yep), fever (for days we have had the fevers), pharyngitis (positive on this one), muscle pains (not so much), severe headache (the boy was in tears), coughing (I can not describe to you how horrible the coughs have been...just think "coughing so hard you vomit"), weakness and general discomfort (yes and yes).

To a mom, the flu means....
more worry,
more laundry,
more Tylenol,
more trips to the store,
more restless nights sleeping,
more warm baths,
more praying,
more tissue,
more hand washing,
more movies,
more tears,
more naps,
more snuggles,
more Mary Poppins,
more Motrin,
more make-up homework,
more 7-up,
more toast,
more kisses on the forehead,

and more thankfulness when they are well again.

Encourage one another,

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