Thursday, September 3, 2009

Summer Lovin'

We did something unusual this summer Internet.

We went camping. It is this thing where you basically pack up your home and drive to the woods. Then you unpack your home in the woods and you sleep on the ground.

I know. You think I am weird (shhhh..don't tell anyone).

You see, we haven't been camping since my third born was just six months old. That was 6.5 years ago...and it was a nightmare.

This time was different. This time I didn't have to bring diapers or wipes (should have rethought this one) or the other gazillion things that you have to have when you bring a baby with you. This time was gonna be different.

Princess tent
We brought only the a playfort made of pink dreams!

The oven
And an oven...cuz a family has got to eat.

Craven the Raven
And don't forget to invite some friends....who have one of these!

And of course, your favorite sleeping buddy...bring him too!

Home sweet home
Home sweet home....

Bike ride
We rode bikes.

Street races
And we had some street races...he makes me "hot"!!

Boss hog and his deputy
We did a lot of this (they make it look soooo easy!)

Laughter is the best medicine
And a whole lot of THIS!!

We played LOTS of fun games...this is the "gesture" queen...well o.k....not really...but isn't she adorable!

singing boys
We stood around in a circle and sang some songs...."I've got friends in low places..."....o.k.....not really. We did try to sing but then it just got all weird and uncomfortable and so we did what any normal person would do...we tried to find the bathrooms in the dark.

Little Mermaid
We pretended that we were "mermaids" on the beach. The pic of me in my bikini is pretty "sweet" but this is a "G" rated site so you know....maybe next time.

Sipos Love
We enjoyed the company of a couple of different families....I swear this family also has two boys but for the life of me...I have no idea where they all escaped to.

Oh look! I found one...I wonder what he was up to?

TJ and Christian
Hopefully...he wasn't hunting down poor little innocent fluffy woodland creatures.

mama's cake
We made a special cake for a very special birthday lady.

baking a cake
Shhhh....yes I helped...the "queen of burnt" but don't tell anyone because then they might expect more of me and who needs that!

The mermaid cake
The strawberry flavored "mermaid" cake had to have some adjustments made before we could take a wouldn't be "proper" if she wasn't fully dressed.

Erika's Birthday
The happy birthday girl with her "mermaid princess cake" and oh look!....the other Sipos boy!

Camping friends
I made some of the crew stop for some pictures because I'm mean like that.

My sweet and my lovlies
This is my sweet and my three lovelies....they make me happy and manic depressive all at the same time.

It's good
This is "our son"...he is funny, plays with fire and is kind of a weirdo. He makes us proud.

Graceful and her Fritos
This little one was feeding the woodland creatures (cuz..this is what a good fairy princess would do).

BINGO!! (Yes, we brought "Bingo" with us...don't isn't nice)

We gave each other "running black foot" and "only #1 in the Raven"...

Then the worst thing in the WORLD happened. Even worse than being in the moutains with 21 other people, a dead motorhome and NO SHOWERS!!!

My camera DIED. Sniff...

So I have no glorious "group" photos to share with you. They do exist though...and I will have to find them and show you just how many of us were there...and yes even the boys (who were hunting rabbit...or is it duck season?) are in the photos.

The long story even longer that camping is hard work. You have to pack don't have room service...or electricity. You have to cook all your own meals and "find" stuff to do without your tele or your computer. You have no ....cell service...GASP!!

Instead, you have this thing called fellowship...mixed with laughter and even a little bit of relaxation thrown in. Anyone game for joining us next year??


1 comment:

  1. Girlfriend, you are amazing. Not that it surprises me, but you do have a special talent, there. ~Dave


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