Friday, August 14, 2009


Mothers Day 2009
Today I will show you a variety of photo's of "yours truly".

"Why" ask? Well..."why not"...I reply.

Besides....taking a few minutes to scrub your brain from today's "to-do" list is healthy and I think my doctor recommended a few mindless hours of E-time a week to improve my sanity.

Enjoy!....and encourage one another,


This one has a "gritty" is o.k....but not my favorite.

60's Pink

This one is "groovy"! It reminds me of the pics of my family from the 70's. I like


This one makes the color POP (and also blurs the don't isn't you). This isn't a good application for a family pic...BUT it would make my cooking looking SOOOOOO much better. I think I'll keep it.


This one has a color booster and a "Vignette". I love vignette's (and don't deny your passion for them either....I know you have a school photo somewhere in a box in your attic...and it has a vignette). Not sure about the color booster in this one...the vignette though.... is a keeper.

Wine coolers

This is how I feel when I drink wine....


In this one...I am starring in my own sitcom (think "The Wonder Years"). I like this one mucho much! I'm pretty sure I will overuse it to the point where it draws boredom.

Peace Out~

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