It is often when I have said plans that things begin to go awry. Four very sick kiddo's was not on my agenda, but when life throws you a fast ball you either duck or try to hit it anyway.
Suffering from "Cabin Fever" we drove to the coast on Sunday to spend some time with the family. The children awoke in good spirits and with no fever, so we thought "what the hay?" We had a lovely time with mom and dad and my dear brothers and of course my little sis and my favorite little Nora. Jeff and Wesley were able to shoot some "pow-pow" guns on the property and I was able to visit and prepare for the most wonderful Valentine's Tea.
The kids grew worse however, temperatures soared to above 102 and after our amazing tea we decided we needed to head for home. We were unable to visit our favorite beach because of high tide but we were able to stop "ever so briefly" to chase some waves and marvel at God's creation.

Encourage one another,
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