Tuesday, June 30, 2009

great grandkids...great grandparents

“Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it onto future generations.”
George Bernard Shaw

“If I were given the opportunity to present a gift to the next generation, it would be the ability for each individual to learn to laugh at himself.”
Charles M. Schulz

“Whoever teaches his son teaches not alone his son but also his son's son, and so on to the end of generations”
Hebrew Proverb quotes

Encourage one another,

Monday, June 29, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa, originally uploaded by parker_6_pack.

A few years ago I experienced an insatiably deep pain. The kind that when you look out onto the horizon...you see nothing and you feel nothing.

Death is like that.

When my father-in law died so quickly and so young and without any warning....it felt like my world was caving in on me. I couldn't breath. Losing his soul to Christ is the only thing that brought me back.

So my life is forever changed. I live to love and I love to live.

This is my grandmother and grandfather who came to visit us this week. Each time I see them, I am blessed. Each time, I am filled with joy.

Encourage one another,

Friday, June 26, 2009


Sisters....sisters, originally uploaded by parker_6_pack.

Sisters...sisters...there were never such devoted sisters.

I remember annoying my big sister when I was little. I remember her annoying ME when I was little (in the cobwebs of my mind I have memories of her stripping me down to my underwear and locking me outside of the house...I never did get her back for that either...hmmmm).

These two girlies though...they get along so very well (as long as they each get there own way of course).

The storm of sisterhood is brewing in our household...and I am glad that I have this beautiful picture to remind them of how much they love each other!

Encourage one another,

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The King of Pop lives....in our hearts.

Come he slow or come he fast. It is but death who comes at last.
Sir Walter Scott

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Someone you can always be with...

Jeff and Jodi, originally uploaded by parker_6_pack.

'Cause it's not easy
To find someone who cares

It's not easy to find magic in pairs

I'm glad I found him
I love him, I won't let him get away
'Cause it's not easy.

You say the head of a camel
The neck of a crocodile

And the ears of a cow!

It's clear that friends can be different
Yes, I understand you now

It's not easy to find someone who cares
It's not easy to find magic in pairs

Now that you have him, hold him
Treasure him from day to day.
It's so easy.

Life is lollipops and raindrops with the one you love
Someone you can always be with
Argue and agree with

Climb the highest tree with.

It's not easy to share somebody's dream
It gets easy
When you work as a team

You've got to tend it, fan it

That's what I plan to do.
Oh, I had one friend by my side....
Now I have two...
Him and you...

Him and me...

And it's so easy.

To my dearest darlingest Jeffrey,

Today we celebrate 15 years of marriage..It's not easy and yet... it is so easy. Thank you for being my best friend first and then my love.

You are my "Happily Ever After..." and I love you.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My "beef"

Soooo...the graduation "beef"....here it is...wait for it..



So....after working your kester off for four years (for some of us it will be more like 10)...I think that a little hat tossing is in order. (Especially after enduring a graduation ceremony for three hours.)

My little sister and I will graduate in June of 2011 (mark your calendars) and we will NOT hold back when we graduate.

We WILL toss our hats, our purses, our diploma's, our children...basically anything that we can lift. We will dance and sing and it will be marvelous!! I will upload some pictures of our most fantabulous "graduation day" later tonight. Although hat tossing was "poo-pooeyed"...the day was wonderful and we are still very proud of my baby bro and his amazing girlfriend (who might as well be our sister!).

Encourage one another,

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The rose garden

Today is my mother-in-laws birthday and we are going to the Portland Rose Garden.

I "heart" roses.

I even have a daughter with the name of "rose". Internet, I will try to take some yummy pictures of our adventures and share them with you later in the week.

The graduation yesterday was wonderful as well....but I have a bit of a "beef" to rant about....it involves "hats".

Until tomorrow...may your day be blessed.

Encourage one another,

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hats off to you

Hats in the Air, originally uploaded by tkellyphoto.

Today is a day of celebration! Today is Micah and Whitney's graduation!

Your families are extremely proud of you. You can't imagine the sense of relief they are experiencing. This would be a most opportune time to ask for money. ~Gary Bolding

The tassel's worth the hassle! ~Author Unknown

Your schooling may be over, but remember that your education still continues.
~Author Unknown

Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known. ~Author Unknown

*****And one of my personal favorites....

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go.
~Dr. Seuss

Dearest baby brother and dearest whitney....you have made us proud.
We love you.

Encourage one another,

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bus Stop Last Day 2009

Bus Stop Last Day 2009, originally uploaded by parker_6_pack.

Today was the last day of school and the beginning of summer. One of my favorite things.

Summer Begins

Summer Begins, originally uploaded by parker_6_pack.

Summer...days filled with popsicles....lazy mornings....and sunshine.

Look at their faces!!
Pure JOY!

Ella's summer JOY

Ella's summer JOY, originally uploaded by parker_6_pack.

So we laugh as we all dance in the garden and sing...

No more pencils...
No more books...
No more teachers dirty looks...

Encourage one another,

Friday, June 5, 2009

in the toilet bowl

# 294..in the toilet bowl, originally uploaded by h e r m a n.

Yesterday...I was here. Not one of my favorite places to be. I called in sick to work (which I rarely ever do) and laid on the couch for hours (which I hope to do more often). I'm still not feeling "great"....so your prayers for my well being are very appreciated.

It is just a few hours to dinner time and I'm in a "shlump". I think I was born in a culinary "shlump". Yesterday, I wanted to make hamburgers on the grill and top them with Aioli, sweet mustard, grilled red onions, green leaf lettuce and Gruyere cheese. Today, I want someone to make this for me.

I think I was supposed to be a "fair maiden" who has her food brought to her. The "fair maiden" part is right...but I'm still waiting for the other part. Until then...

Encourage one another,

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

cookie crumbs

cookie crumbs, originally uploaded by parker_6_pack.

yummmmm...another one of my favorite things...cookies.

I think that they are the greatest comfort food...don't you internet? They are easy to buy and even easier to eat. For those of you who don't know me well....I'm not a baker.

These cookies though...even a child (or a housewife who doesn't enjoy anything that has to do with the stove)can make.

I Can't Beleive It's A Cookie

1 egg
1 cup sugar
1 cup peanut butter

Mix, roll into balls, bake (at 350 for 10 min)
Top with chocolate kiss

I know...it's genius.

Encourage one another,

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

wax paper

wax paper, originally uploaded by parker_6_pack.

Yes, wax paper. This is one of my favorite things. I just bought this most fabulous soap. When I smell it, it takes me back to somewhere in my childhood. Somewhere happy.

When I opened the soap, I was delighted to find that it was wrapped in wax paper.

So now you know. My birthday is only 10 months away and if you want to give me gross quantities of wax paper...I would be happy.

Encourage one another,

Monday, June 1, 2009


Today was had a thunder storm...one of my favorite things. Our youngest, Graceful, was a bit stressed out about it. She was clinging to my neck, squeezing me as hard as her little arms could squeeze and she said (in the sweetest four year old voice I might add).

"But mommy, I don't want God to come down."

My reply...

"Oh, yes darling...we do"

And until then....

Encourage one another,

It's raining light, Hallelujah!, originally uploaded by Paco CT.

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